Our guests have voted us a #1 rated activity in Lexington on TripAdvisor!


Popular Daily Tours

Featured on our Daily Public Tours are destination stops at two or more of the beautiful Thoroughbred horse farms that help make the Lexington, Kentucky region the undisputed epicenter of Thoroughbred breeding in the United States. Also includes a scenic drive through the beautiful Bluegrass and, as available, a stop at the world famous Keeneland Race Course*.

Additional destinations are also included subject to availability on the day of the tour.

* All tour destinations can vary depending on changing venue and farm availability as determined on the specific day of the tour. This is true for all of the venues (including Keeneland) and Thoroughbred farms.

Thank You for choosing Thoroughbred Heritage Horse Farm Tours!


Daily Public Tours

Daily at 8:30 AM and 12:30 PM


Private Tours

For Individuals, Couples or Small Groups

Additional Services

Step-on Guides for Large Groups and more


Expert Guides!

Learn a lot about thoroughbred racing, breeding and how local history reflects the love of horses. Our guides are very knowledgeable, friendly and fun.